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Les Quêtes haut level SI
Quetes par Lithquil - dernière mise à jour le 02/05/03

Quête SI :

Rhoiwyn's Necklace LVL 49 - Tur Suil, 3 groupes
Départ: Droighaid, Carylina

Step 1: Find Carylina in Droighaid and speak with her. She in on the rampart on the west end of town.

Step 2: Get a rock from a granidon of Cothrom Gorge and a left bone from a mad grazer in the Vale of Balor. You may get them in any order. To find mad grazers head north across the bridge, then NW along the shoreline towards the tall cut down trees that are now stumps.

Step 3: Kill Granidon. Go north out of town N/NW. At the split in the road go north. Vear to the west towards the waterfall. They are at 37k, 39k

Step 4: Go speak with Garyn in the Grove of Aalild Feie in the Vale of Balor. Give him the items.

Step 5: Venture into the depths of Tur Suil and seek out the one know as Abomos. To get to Tur Suil head south across the bridge from Aalid. Once in the dungeon go south thru hall...hall veers to west, follow hall to west, hang a left(south) into the big room with stairwell, head up stairs, when you get to second floor hang a sharp right and go up stairs to third floor, at third floor follow hall to west, head down stairwell, at bottom of room hang a right and head north thru gate, turn east and go through hall,turn left(north) and follow hall as it veers to the east, take hall to north and med in room with statue dudes, take stairs down, hang a right and go north thru gate again into the room with a bunch of kegs in it, go to stair well and med on stairs, take stairs down, he is behind west door. Post on the VN boards have said you can't pull Abomos that you have to fight him in the room. We didn't have this problem. We cleared the first room of the shades, then all hung back by stair well. We then had a shade pull Abomos and we killed him back by the stair well. The second time we killed him we were coming back from the queen so we pulled him into the tunnel behind the metal gate and killed him there. Whovever gets the last hit on Abomos, that persons group will get the quest. We went with 4 groups(3 doing quest) and had to kill him 3 times. If you fight him in his room you will also have to kill all the orange-red con mobs that spawn there.

3,3 Milliards d'xp


Bard Music: +5 pts
Hits: 15 pts
Heat Resist: 6%
Spirit Resist: 4%

Scythes: +4 pts
Hits: 15 pts
Matter Resist: 6%
Spirit Resist: 8%

Blades: +4 pts
Hits: 15 pts
Cold Resist: 8%
Spirit Resist: 6%

Energy Resist: 4%
Hits: 15 pts
Large Weapons: +5 pts
Cold Resist: 6%

Celtic Dual: +4 pts
Hits: 15 pts
Crush Resist: 6%
Matter Resist: 8%

Regrowth: +4 pts
Power: 6 pts
Thrust Resist: 6%

Way of the Sun: +4 pts
Power: 6 pts
Thrust Resist: 6%

Shields: +3 pts
Energy Resist: 6%
Matter Resist: 6%
Parry: +4 pts

Hits: 30 pts
Body Resist: 10%
Slash Resist: 10%

The Sylvan's pain - LVL 47 2 personnes
Départ: Droighaid, Sandu

1. Tell Sandu your name.
2. Talk to Iesia in Drioghaid. Tell her 'Sandu sent' me.
3. Talk to Eersie in Necht. Tell her 'Iesia sent' me.
4. Eersie will give you something close by to kill. Soaring manta tail and wretched sanidon sand are two of the possible items. (blue/yellow to 50). If you follow the road west from Necht, mantas are on the right, wretched sanidons by the pond on the left.
5. Give your dead monster part to Evyene on the beach behind Necht.
6. Tell Evyene that you 'seek a cure'.
7. Get a tentacle from a death shround in World's End. (orange to 50, near 42k, 44.5k)
8. Next task varies. Get blood from a savage bugbear behind Krrzck (orage/red to 50), or get blood from a chalico, right near the death shrouds (yelow/orange to 50).
9. Seek out Xcrzrk just outside Krrzck. If she's neutral/friendly, tell her 'Evyene sent' me. otherwise, kill her for a mantid egg. I did it both ways, and it did not seem to affect the outcome.
10. Go back to Evyene back behind Necht. Give her the tentacle, the blood, and the egg. She will give you a potion.
11. Go back to Iesia in Drioghaid. Give her the potion when she asks for it.
12. Drink some of the potion (drag potion to quickbar, hit use Item key, which is e by default, then click quickbar button).
13. Give the potion to Cailbyn to the east outside Drioghaid. He will give you a note for Sandu.
14. Give the note to Sandu, and choose 2 from 11 level 49 rings


3,3 Milliards XP

2 Anneaux au choix parmi :

Intelligence: 6 pts
Way of the Moon: +3 pts
Heat Resist: 7%
Thrust Resist: 7%

Dexterity: 6 pts
Power: 6 pts
Body Resist: 7%
Matter Resist: 7%

Strength: 6 pts
Scythes: +3 pts
Energy Resist: 7%
Spirit Resist: 7%

Intelligence: 6 pts
Arborial Path: +4 pts
Heat Resist: 5%
Thrust Resist: 5%

Constitution: 9 pts
Regrowth: +4 pts
Crush Resist: 4%
Matter Resist: 5%

Empathy: 4 pts
Power: 4 pts
Slash Resist: 7%
Spirit Resist: 8%

Dexterity: 6 pts
Celtic Dual: +3 pts
Cold Resist: 7%
Matter Resist: 7%

Dexterity: 4 pts
Recurve Bow: +4 pts
Body Resist: 5%
Spirit Resist: 6%

Quickness: 6 pts
Energy Resist: 7%
Heat Resist: 7%
Stealth: +3 pts

Strength: 6 pts
Energy Resist: 7%
Spirit Resist: 7%
Parry: +3 pts

Hits: 40 pts
Crush Resist: 6%
Slash Resist: 6%
Thrust Resist: 6%

Note: ces anneaux sont personnels et ne peuvent pas être transférés :[ Et non, on ne peut pas prendre deux fois l'anneau de resists :oP

Corruptors, Botonids, and Trade - LVL 46 2 persos
Faction Krrzck requise
Départ: Necht, Telliara

Per Patch 1.60:
- Blademasters who received the Ixthiar Skin Bracer of Silent Resistance can exchange it for the Ixthiar Skin Bracer of Strength by taking it back to Krazck in World's End. Players must have the quest Corruptors, Botonids and Trade in their completed quests list to exchange the bracer. From now on, Blademasters will receive the Ixthiar Skin Bracer of Strength as their reward for this quest.

Per Patch 1.61:
Krazckz will now offer players a choice of rewards for finishing the quest "Corruptors, Botonids and Trade." If you have already completed the quest and would like to choose a something different, bring your old reward back to Krazckz and he will exchange it one time.

Per Patch 1.61b:
- Corruptors, Botonids and Trade, step 8 - Players should now be able to choose the "strength and regrowth bracer" if they wish. Follow the directions in your quest journal.

start is Telliara in Necht loc 51k, 24k, who wants you to help with getting some type of alliship with Krrzck.

step #1: hunt corrupt sylvan in sylvan valley. (get 4 arms and 2 heads) this
area is SW of Necht. Loc is 15k, 24k and 23k, 21k.

Go to Krrzck, and you need to kill a bunch of these sylvan and twisted treecutters to get your Krzzck faction up (I was at lvl 50, greens shift faction less than yellows, I think)

step #3 (the steps are weird, I may have missed start npcs that point me
around) turn in the arms to Krazckz in Krrzck (loc 23k, 33k, World's End) go
on the road W/NW of Necht... if they're aggressive, go kill more of the
treecutters and barkstrippers :)

step#4 he then asks you to kill 3 corruptors and 2 botonid rencan raiders
for their skin and teeth respectively (Krazckz says leaves, but he's just
senile or something)

step #5 corruptors can be found just over the rock bridge

step #6 botonids are farther back, off the road, S of the Octonid forest

step #7 return those parts to Krazckz, (s/he) will give you a bunch of gold,
2 billion exp, and a lvl 47 bracer.

1.521.964.785 XP
1 BRASSARD parmi :

Constitution: 7 pts
Strength: 6 pts
Slash Resist: 10%
Thrust Resist: 10%

Intelligence: 6 pts
Hits: 18 pts
Body Resist: 10%
Spirit Resist: 10%

Quickness: 6 pts
Spirit Resist: 10%
Thrust Resist: 12%
Stealth: +2 pts

Hits: 39 pts
Power: 4 pts

Strength: 7 pts
Energy Resist: 10%
Slash Resist: 10%
Parry: +2 pts

Constitution: 6 pts
Druid Nurture Spec: +2 pts
Hits: 33 pts

The Tree Maidens - LVL 48 solo
Départ: Droighaid, Lynara

Lynara gives you the quest and a ticket to Necht, go there and kill a stilter.

Go N along road until you find the Sanidon pond. NW of it, uphill, are stilters. (approx 25K/25K, due west of Necht), blue-yellow con to 49; take tentacle to Anyro in Necht

give Anyro the tentacle and say [Tree Maidens].

You receive a strip of bark with one of the words on it. Tells you to kill a corruptor in World's End and then a tree dervish (log says tittering tree dervish) in Cothrom Gorge. Both mobs were blue-yellow to lvl 49 and easy to find; the corruptors right next to the road right when you enter World's End, and the tree dervishes right as you enter Cothrom Gorge. Kill them and receive 2 more words.

kill a corruptor (follow road from Necht toward Krrzck... should find them near the stepping stones in the river)

kill a tittering tree dervish (keep going on the road into Cothrom Gorge. I found some around loc: 49k, 28k)

talk to Tieru in Aalid Feie (other end of the road from Necht, just keep going after you kill the dervish and turn right at the fork in the road)

tell Tieru you are [missing one]

kill the guard (go east from Aalid Feie, it's a little gap in the zone wall) the guard is orange to 50 and will call two friends (green and blue) about halfway through the fight.

say [hello] at a tree and answer her questions (helps to have your quest log open, do it fast before the next guard spawns, too) Maiden appears and asks "Who do you seek?" /s the maidens of the trees. "Why?" /s to free their voices. "What will they do when free?" /s sing for the trees.

You will be asked to sing for the trees. /s morwynol gan yr llais (those are L's, not I's).

Speak to Raiaya. If she doesn't appear, you have to say her name. She tells you that you've finished the quest and to choose a gem.

P.S. right after we finished quest, Fomorian repopped as Drygau. We killed again and received a AF 102, Qua 94%, Reinforced armor vest, with ranger/blademaster stats.

2,4 Milliards xp
1 BIJOU parmi:

Charisma: 7 pts
Empathy: 6 pts
Bard Music: +4 pts
Crush Resist: 6%

Empathy: 4 pts
Regrowth: +4 pts
Power: 4 pts
Thrust Resist: 6%

Dexterity: 6 pts
Strength: 7 pts
Blades: +4 pts
Heat Resist: 6%

Dexterity: 7 pts
Celtic Dual: +3 pts
Cold Resist: 6%
Stealth: +3 pts

Intelligence: 4 pts
Verdant Path: +4 pts
Power: 4 pts
Thrust Resist: 6%

Version 1.61

THE LOST STEED - LVL 48 3 joueurs

Cette quête peut être répétée DIX fois au maximum afin de choisir les objets

Départ: Droighaid, Terod
We would like to clear up a few misconceptions about the high level repeatable quests that were introduced in this last patch: Ancestral Secrets, The Lost Seed and The Stone of Arawn.

- First, the reward for doing these quests is a weapon. You will receive the weapon reward the first time you do the quest. We recognize that not every weapon is tailored for the way your spec'd your character, but we currently do not have plans to modify these rewards.

- Second, there are three other rewards that can be received by doing this quest. However, they are RANDOM. You may do the quest multiple times before you get any of them. Please don't appeal to customer service unless you have done the quest over 10 times and haven't received any of the random rewards at all.

- Third, we had set a maximum number of times that players would have to do the quest before getting the necklace and unfortunately, mostly due to faulty expectations on our part, this didn't work. We have fixed this on the live servers now and invite all of you that have done the quest more than 10 times to do it again. You should get the necklace on your next run through.

- Fourth, we know that in some cases players will have to do the quest many times before getting the necklace. We sympathize, but wish to remind you that we made the quest
repeatable at your request, so that those that wanted the necklace but weren't lucky enough to get the random the first time through could keep trying until you did get it.

- Fifth, thanks for your patience and feedback as we continue make adjustments to these quests to make them as smooth as possible for you.

This is the new quest in patch 1.61, The Lost Seed for Hibernia:

Starts with Terod (west half of Droighaid), who sends you to talk with Kredril (in between the two halves of Droighaid).

Kredril gives you a ticket to Aalid Feie to speak with Jandros (NE tree of the four, with Fylara 48K 22K).
Jandros gives you a branch and tells you to go to a grove in Cothrom. The journal directions are dead on, follow the north road into Cothrom until the first drop around the mirages, and turn west, following the zone wall until it turns north, at which point there is a tree that emits /broad notes periodically (like you feel a quiet rustling in the leaves overhead) and if you have the branch, a treant bursts forth (red/purp to 50). It's an easy purple if you bring a friend.

Return to Jandros with the stone, he gives you three notes and teleports you to Droighaid. He always ports you to Droighaid the first time.

Give the first note to Terod, who scowls at you.
Second note to Kredril.
Third note to Syalia (on top of the tower in the east half of Droighaid) who, when you click on reward, gives you the option of choosing a weapon. Each additional time you are randomly ported to one of four places: Droighaid, Bann-Didein, Domnann, or Necht. At each place other than Droighaid you can talk to the sylvan right next to where it ports you and receive a reward. In Necht you receive the Paidrean Necklace. In Bann-Didein you get a jewel called the Aiglean Earring. When ported to Domnann you get the Fainey Argid Ring. Once you receive all three of these items you can no longer receive the quest. But if you want to keep doing the quest to gain exp you can simply not talk to sylvan that it ports you too and keep repeating the quest.

You can keep doing this quest for 2billion exp and 15g each time, and I've heard that our "version" of it also has the beaded resistance stones, but I have yet to see a reward after the first.

Also each time after the first that you complete the quest you do not get 2 billion exp. The amount you do get depends on the level but it is about 700 mil at level 48 and 800 mil at level 49, more at level 50 but exp not important then.

General Tip: make a macro to "/say the lost seed" if you plan on doing this quest.

Player comments:

Mythic appears to have changed this quest in-game, that is, without an
official acknowledgement or patch, that will prevent you from "skipping"
your reward and repeating the quest over and over again for your 700mn xp.

It was a damned easy way to get 700mn xp @ L48 on your way to 50 but I
guess all good things must come to an end. It looks like if you get
ported to a town that has the reward, you -must- receive the reward in
order for Terod to accept his note, otherwise, if you simply neglect to
accept your reward from the nearby Sylvan and proceed back to Droighaid,
Terod will not accept your note.

Before, Terod would gladly accept your note and you could repeat the quest
no matter where you were ported without ever accepting your reward.


2 Milliards XP + 3x 700Mxp

4 objets (dont 3 aléatoires) parmi :

Grande arme
DPS: 16.20 / 4.00
Strength: 10 pts
Large Weapons: +3 pts
Hits: 24 pts
Spirit Resist: 8%
Bonus: 25%
Quality: 100%

--DPS: 16.20 / 4.00
Intelligence: 15 pts
Hits: 28 pts
Power: 6 pts
Slash Resist: 7%
Bonus: 25%
Quality: 100%

--DPS: 16.20 / 2.70
Constitution: 10 pts
Blades: +3 pts
Hits: 24 pts
Matter Resist: 8%
Bonus: 35%
Quality: 100%

--DPS: 16.20 / 2.70
Quickness: 10 pts
Piercing: +3 pts
Hits: 24 pts
Body Resist: 8%
Bonus: 35%
Quality: 100%

Collier 0_0
Body Resist: 10%
Crush Resist: 10%
Spirit Resist: 10%
Thrust Resist: 10%

--DPS: 16.20 / 4.20
Constitution: 10 pts
Blunt: +3 pts
Hits: 24 pts
Heat Resist: 8%
Bonus: 35%
Quality: 100%

Joyau ( o0 aussi )
Hits: 24 pts
Heat Resist: 8%
Slash Resist: 8%
Thrust Resist: 8%

Hits: 30 pts
Power: 4 pts
Matter Resist: 8%

Note: Toutes les armes ont des skins spécifiques

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